Privacy Policy
This information is provided so that users can understand the ways in which The Reformation Times does and does not use their personal information.
How We Use (and Don't Use) Your Data
IMPORTANT: The Portland Post purposefully asks for a minimal amount of your data when you are signing up for specific services or purchasing a premium membership. None of the information we collect during the signup process for any of our services is ever sold to a third party and is only collected because it is required by law so that the service to which you are subscribing can best serve you, or so that we can contact you with necessary information about your submission.
We Get Payed for Displaying Ads
We display ads from Decide ads and Google Adsense and receive compensation via CPC or CPM rates for displaying said ads.
We Use Tools Like Google Analytics
We utilize tools such as Google analytics and Wix contact tracker to track basic user information, but this information is not specifically associated with specific users or shared with third parties.
Tracking Your Information
The Reformation Times does use collected information such as names and email to track site users. This is only to ensure that our content is performing at its best and that your stored information is not shared with a third party.
Affiliate Links
As a hard and fast rule, The Reformation Times does not use affiliate links or recieve payment for mentioning other resources in our posts.