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"Uncharted" Review: Making Sensless Action Cool Again

Uncharted is the movie with Tom Holland (as Nathen Drake) and everyone else. It is senseless, pointless, unrealistic, and kind of charming.

If you go to the theatres looking for adventure, that's exactly what you would have gotten with "Uncharted." You wouldn't have gotten a detailed mystery, a heartwarming love story, or an edge-of-your-seat thriller, nope, just pure adventure. Essentially, it's your classic adventure film. It reminded me of Indiana Jones more than anything else, with its meaningless (but fun) plot twists and character development.

Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of issues with the film. For one, the plot stunk. It made very little sense and the movie's conclusion wasn't very "conclusive."

The two "sides" in the story wreak of cliché. Both the "good buys" and the "bad guys" get two guys and a girl who basically run the entire show. In the end, I guess you could say all that was wrong with the film was that it needed a better plot and better character development.

That being said, if your looking for senseless (not to mention unrealistic) action and adventure, uncharted is definitely the show for you. Some of its crazy action sequences are sure to put your toddler on the edge of his seat--through a risky scene about halfway through makes it barely tolerable for him.

As the lead characters, Nathan Drake (Tom Holland) and his overly sarcastic buddy "Sully" Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg) shine in a way that two leads haven't in a long time. Their friendship is untrusting yet at the same time indearing, clean-cut, and humorous.


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Mary Hugh, Al Scott



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