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OPINION: To Our Elected Officials Regarding The Texas Shooting and 2nd Amendment Rights

Updated: May 30, 2022

To elected officials, bureaucrats, and swamp creatures alike regarding the Texas shooting and 2nd Amendment rights:

Hello, my name is Ian Freeze. I am writing this in response to the horrors the people of Uvalde, Texas Suffered. As a Gun Owner, I understand that people are going to blame me and the Firearms I own. As a teacher at a Sunday School, a textbook soft target, I see both sides of this debate.

Confusion during these sorts of atrocities is normal and somewhat understandable; however, there is no law that could be enforced, no threat you might levy or state of emergency you might declare that would prevent another such disaster from taking place. Nor under our Constitution would you have a right to.

I know in the coming weeks we will have Services, Marches, and an NRA Convention no doubt with many protestors outside. But as a student of history for over ten years, I know that an armed populace is infinitely preferable to a republic to an unarmed one. If a populace is unarmed, then a republic will not long endure.

As a citizen who immigrated from a country where genocide had taken place, I understand what happens when unarmed people cannot defend themselves from the government. I also know that this is a tired line. But it is also true. Gun confiscation is always the opening salvo to an attack on all other civil liberties, and would, of course, also be a direct attack on the Constitution.

The Constitution requires that all elected officials swear an oath in support of the right to keep and bear arms: (Article II Section I Clause 8). Indeed, many states and municipalities it also requires the same.

For that reason, if you propose legislation in violation of the second amendment, which is part of the constitution, then have breached your oath of office, betrayed the trust of the people you serve, and desecrated the sanctity of your office.

Essentially, the constitution is so clear on the issue that for the United States Congress to pass legislation repealing the right to keep and bear arms, they would first have to repeal the second amendment with a 28th.

And to that, I would simply like to dare them to do as much. Go tell the American people, the people who forged the Western frontier and fought tooth and nail for their independence that their guns are no longer necessary—or allowed. Tell them that they are not to be trusted to defend themselves. As we saw on display during the Texas shooting, we can trust our law enforcement to protect us… 90 minutes after an attacker opens fire!

Try it, and it will fail. America is not yet ready for that type of dystopian tyranny. You will lose your elections, and if necessary, the war you will begin.


Opinion by, Ian Freeze



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